Results for 'Noemi Emperatriz Cayo-Velásquez'

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  1.  11
    Competitiveness in Sustainable Gastronomic Tourism: Integration of Environmental Practices in Latin American Destinations.Roger Badin Paredes Guerrero, Noemi Emperatriz Cayo-Velásquez, Gladys Marleny Auquitias-Condori & Alma R. Bojórquez-Vargas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1180-1189.
    This study explores how the integration of environmental practices in gastronomic tourism can increase the competitiveness of tourist destinations in Latin America. Through the analysis of cases in Mexico, Peru and Colombia, sustainable strategies are identified, such as the use of local products and the reduction of waste, which not only contribute to sustainable tourism development, but also improve the image and attractiveness of destinations. The results show that destinations that implement sustainable environmental practices are perceived as more attractive and (...)
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    Políticas do imaginário: História, educação e cultura visual.Cayo Honorato - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (1):38.
    Neste texto, repasso algumas questões do livro A guerra das imagens, do historiador Serge Gruzinski, enfatizando o caráter contraprodutivo das visualidades indígenas em relação às imagens cristãs. Mas, principalmente, proponho que essa leitura seja considerada em um contexto particular de problemas, que diz respeito às narrativas do ensino da arte que trabalham a partir das premissas de uma virada pictorial ; qual seja: o de um domínio da visão pelas imagens e de um déficit de historicidade das visualidades.
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  3. Why corporations are not morally responsible for anything they do.Manuel Velasquez - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (3):1–18.
    Properly speaking, the corporation, considered as an entity distinct from its members, cannot be morally responsible for wrongful corporate acts. Setting aside (in this abstract) acts brought about through negligence or omissions, we may say that moral responsibility for an act attaches to that agent (or agents) in whom the act "originates" in this sense: (1) the agent formed the (mental) intention or plan to bring about that act (possibly with the help of others) and (2) the act was intentionally (...)
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  4. Debunking Corporate Moral Responsibility.Manuel Velasquez - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):531-562.
    I address three topics. First, I argue that the issue of corporate moral responsibility is an important one for business ethics.Second, I examine a core argument for the claim that the corporate organization is a separate moral agent and show it is based on anunnoticed but elementary mistake deriving from the fallacy of division. Third, I examine the assumptions collectivists make about whatit means to say that organizations act and that they act intentionally and show that these assumptions are mistaken (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy: A Text with Readings.Manuel G. Velasquez - 2017 - United States: Cengage Learning.
    This is a topically organized introduction to the traditional problems of philosophy. It aims to introduce readers to traditional philosophical problems and to expose readers to philosophical argumentation in such a way that they will feel confident in handling abstract concepts.
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    Ethics, Theory and Practice.Manuel G. Velasquez & Cynthia Rostankowski - 1985 - Prentice-Hall.
    This text offers both a clear and thorough introduction to normative ethical theory and an extensive survey of moral issues that show how ethical theory is applied in practice. The first section presents a survey of the main methods of ethical reasoning, introducing four normative theories in four separate chapters. A case study introduces each chapter to provide a background for further explanations and to illustrate relevant features of the theory. The second section of the text presents separate chapters on (...)
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  7. International Business, Morality, and the Common Good.Manuel Velasquez - 1992 - Business Ethics Quarterly 2 (1):27-40.
    The author sets out a realist defense of the claim that in the absence of an international enforcement agency, multinational corporations operating in a competitive international environment cannot be said to have a moral obligation to contribute to the international common good, provided that interactions are nonrepetitive and provided effective signals of agent reliability are not possible. Examples of international common goods that meet these conditions are support of the global ozone layer and avoidance of the global greenhouse effect. Pointing (...)
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    Globalization and the Failure of Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):343-352.
    As the 21st century breaks upon us, no ethical issues in business appear as significant as those being created by the rapidglobalization of business. Globalization has created numerous ethical problems for the manager of the multinational corporation. What does justice demand, for example, in the relations between a multinational and its host country, particularly when that country is less developed? Should human rights principles govern the relations between a multinational and the workers of a host country, and if so, which (...)
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    International Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (4):865-882.
    I evaluate the adequacy of the three models of international business ethics that have been recently proposed by Thomas Donald son, Gerard Elfstrom and Richard De George. Using the example of the conduct of the aluminum companies in Jamaica, I argue that these three models fail to address the most important of the ethical issues encountered by multinationals because they focus too narrowly on human rights issues and on utilitarian considerations. In addition I argue that these models also evidence an (...)
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  10.  26
    En defensa del “argumento maestro” de Berkeley.Alvaro Antonio Prado Velásquez - 2023 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 35 (2):416-447.
    El llamado “argumento maestro” de Berkeley, por el cual demuestra su principio _esse est percipi_, ha recibido críticas mixtas por parte de los comentaristas: algunos defienden su validez desde sus propias interpretaciones y otros lo acusan de falaz con base en diversas objeciones. El presente artículo defiende al argumento maestro de tres objeciones por parte de Russell, Pitcher y Tipton, las cuales son referidas como _“objeción de la confusión entre el acto perceptivo y el objeto percibido”, “objeción de la confusión (...)
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    Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez & F. Neil Brady - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):83-107.
    We describe the Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. We then identify four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth (...)
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    Accounts of Injury as Misappropriations of Race: Towards a Critical Black Politics of Vulnerability.Noémi Michel - 2016 - Critical Horizons 17 (2):240-259.
    Across contexts and time, subjects marked by racial difference have expressed public accounts of the multiple injuries of race. From the vantage point of critical race and black theory, this paper sheds light on both the heuristic and critical political values of such accounts. The first part critically reassesses conceptualizations of vulnerability as an ambivalent ontological condition within critical approaches to liberalism. A close reading of Fanon's account of injury in Black Skin, White Masks specifies how race exploits bodily and (...)
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    Mediação e sua interação multidisciplinar para a produção da informação.Cayo Madson Borges Silva de Oliveira, Filipe de Melo Torres, Olga Myllena Diniz Botelho Santana & Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):70-85.
    Para o campo da Ciência da Informação (CI), é de grande relevância a discussão sobre o fluxo informacional, que é um objeto focal das pesquisas desenvolvidas nessa área. Por esse motivo, não são estudados apenas os meios e os conceitos, mas as relações que eles têm entre si e as suas mediações, sempre levando em consideração os processos que envolvem sua comunicação, usabilidade e acessibilidade pelo tecido social. Também, observam-se as distintas visões que envolvem a mediação tida na Ciência da (...)
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  14. La realidad de las personas con discapacidad en España.Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):18-23.
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    Catholic Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:107-140.
    This article describes Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth-century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. Four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth century are then identified, (...)
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    Commentary.Manuel Velasquez - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (2):35-38.
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  17. Ethics and the environment.M. G. Velasquez & C. Rostankowski - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  18.  16
    Pensar en el sentido de la vida es orar.Edgar Enrique Velásquez Camelo - 2020 - Revista Filosofía Uis 19 (2):55-73.
    Resumen: La filosofía y la teología han tenido como telón de fondo la cuestión del ser humano; la filosofía desde un enfoque de complejidad y la teología desde la óptica de la revelación. Tiene sentido preguntarnos acerca de la necesidad que tiene la persona de resolver, de forma progresiva, la pregunta por el sentido de la vida por medio del cultivo de la inteligencia espiritual; de tal forma que se reconozca el papel que tiene la oración, como ejercicio espiritual, en (...)
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  19.  12
    Contra la interpretación de Jon Stewart sobre «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius» y la filosofía de Berkeley.Alvaro Antonio Prado Velásquez - 2024 - Metanoia 9 (1):59-91.
    Este trabajo es una crítica al artículo del filósofo contemporáneo Jon Stewart, titulado: Borges and the Refutation of Idealism: A Study of «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius». En dicho artículo se desarrolla una interpretación kantiana del cuento de Borges «Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius» como si fuera una refutación literaria de la filosofía de Berkeley, análoga a la supuesta refutación de la misma que Kant se adjudica. A este respecto, nos proponemos refutar cada una de las supuestas contradicciones e incoherencias que Stewart (...)
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  20. Spreading the Plague: Vulnerability, Solidarity and Autonomy in the Time of Pandemic.Noemi Magnani - 2020 - Revista de Filosofie Aplicata 3 (Supplementary Issue):69 - 81.
    In a series of reflections published in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis, Giorgio Agamben expresses a number of concerns related to the way the pandemic has altered the very fabric of our societies, potentially changing it forever. While maintaining a certain scepticism towards the threat represented by the virus itself, Agamben claims that the response to the contagion shows how easy it is for authorities to limit individual freedoms in the name of public health, and how readily they are (...)
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    A Pseudo-Deterministic Noisy Extremal Optimization algorithm for the pairwise connectivity Critical Node Detection Problem.Noémi Gaskó, Mihai-Alexandru Suciu, Rodica Ioana Lung & Tamás Képes - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The critical node detection problem is a central task in computational graph theory due to its large applicability, consisting in deleting $k$ nodes to minimize a certain graph measure. In this article, we propose a new Extremal Optimization-based approach, the Pseudo-Deterministic Noisy Extremal Optimization (PDNEO) algorithm, to solve the Critical Node Detection variant in which the pairwise connectivity is minimized. PDNEO uses an adaptive pseudo-deterministic parameter to switch between random nodes and articulation points during the search, as well as other (...)
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  22. The ethics of consumer production.Manuel G. Velasquez - 2005 - In Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya, Business ethics. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. pp. 3.
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  23. The 'Great Equalizer'? Autonomy, Vulnerability and Solidarity in Uncertain Times.Noemi Magnani - 2020 - Biblioteca Della Libertà 2 (228):1 - 22.
    In this paper I engage with the notion that Covid-19 can be seen as the ‘great equalizer’, in virtue of the widespread sense of uncertainty it has caused and the fact that it has forced us to recognize our shared human fragility. Against the view that Covid-19 is the ‘great equalizer’, I argue that, on the contrary, the pandemic reflects existing vulnerabilities and, in many cases, exacerbates them. I do so by offering first a definition of both ontological and relational (...)
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  24. Précis of "E-physicalism-a physicalist theory of phenomenal consciousness".Reinaldo Bernal Velasquez, Pierre Jacob, Maximilian Kistler, David Papineau & Jérôme Dokic - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152):268-297.
    El libro "E-physicalism - A Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness" presenta una teoría en el área de la metafísica de la conciencia fenomenal. Está basada en las convicciones de que la experiencia subjetiva -en el sentido de Nagel - es un fenómeno real, y de que alguna variante del fisicalismo debe ser verdadera.
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  25. Artículo convertido automáticamente ver artículo original.Lorena Velásquez González - 2007 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 9 (3):475-490.
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    Business ethics: concepts & cases.Manuel G. Velasquez - 2017 - New York: Pearson.
    Revised edition of the author's Business ethics, c2012.
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    Variegation in politics (plato republic 8.557 c4-61e7).Noémie Villacèque - 2010 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 130:137-152.
    This paper deals with Plato's use ofpoikilosand cognates to describe democracy. It does not argue that Plato'sRepubliccontains empirical analyses of some contemporary event, but supposes that an historical reading of the book is possible and legitimate. Post Peloponnesian War Athenian society experienced profound socio-economic changes. Echoing the aristocratic élite's circumspect anxiety when faced with thenouveaux riches, Plato clearly regards obsessive greediness as one of the root causes of the corruption of any political system. Referring to democracy, the philosopher invents thehimation (...)
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  28. Corruption and bribery.Manuel Velasquez - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp, The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Con su música en otra parte: músicos europeos en la Orquesta Sinfónica de Antioquia, entre 1949 y 1952.Alejandra Isaza Velásquez - 2024 - Escritos 32 (68):1-17.
    En este artículo se presenta un análisis cualitativo preliminar de los contratos laborales firmados entre cuatro músicos de Europa del este y la dirección de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Antioquia en 1949, mientras dichos músicos estaban en los campos de refugiados europeos donde los sobrevivientes de la guerra fueron congregados para su atención y rehabilitación. Con este análisis se pretende problematizar la inserción de estos personajes como agentes de modernización cultural en Medellín, haciendo énfasis en las condiciones políticas y socioculturales (...)
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    Fintech and Bioeconomy: A Systematic Literature Review.Elkin Vladimir Acosta Velásquez, Héctor Heraldo Rojas Jiménez & Víctor Antonio Rodríguez Lizano - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1274-1285.
    A systematic literature review was conducted on the production and publication of research articles related to the study of variables, financial technology (Fintech), and Bioeconomy. The purpose of this research was to know the main characteristics of the publications registered in the SD, WoS, and Scopus databases during the period 2007-2024, to February 8, 2024, achieving the identification of 46 publications in total. The information provided by these platforms was organized using graphs and figures, categorizing the information by CO-occurrence of (...)
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    The place of memory: Bildung in the North American African diaspora.Noemi Bartolucci - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (5):761-778.
    This article explores the relationship between place and Bildung, in the context of the North American African diaspora. In the process it raises questions of identity and the troubled concept of America itself, and the fatefully compromised roots of this modern democracy (‘We the People!’—but which people are we?). It begins by elaborating on the central concepts of place and Bildung in light of the classic formulations of Heidegger and the more recent critical discussions of the humanist geographer Edward Relph. (...)
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    Boosting effect of regular sport practice in young adults: Preliminary results on cognitive and emotional abilities.Noemi Passarello, Ludovica Varini, Marianna Liparoti, Emahnuel Troisi Lopez, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Fabio Alivernini, Onofrio Gigliotta, Fabio Lucidi & Laura Mandolesi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Several studies have shown that physical exercise improves behavior and cognitive functioning, reducing the risk of various neurological diseases, protecting the brain from the detrimental effects of aging, facilitating body recovery after injuries, and enhancing self-efficacy and self-esteem. Emotion processing and regulation abilities are also widely acknowledged to be key to success in sports. In this study, we aim to prove that regular participation in sports enhances cognitive and emotional functioning in healthy individuals. A sample of 60 students, divided into (...)
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  33. Abstract of “Why Corporations Are Not Morally Responsible for Anything They Do”.Manuel G. Velasquez - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):99-99.
    Properly speaking, the corporation, considered as an entity distinct from its members, cannot be morally responsible for wrongful corporate acts. Setting aside (in this abstract) acts brought about through negligence or omissions, we may say that moral responsibility for an act attaches to that agent (or agents) in whom the act "originates" in this sense: (1) the agent formed the (mental) intention or plan to bring about that act (possibly with the help of others) and (2) the act was intentionally (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Action and the Public in Hannah Arendt’s Theory.Noémi BÍRÓ - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:87-103.
    Feminist Interpretations of Action and the Public in Hannah Arendt’s Theory. Arendt’s typology of human activity and her arguments on the precondition of politics allow for a variety in interpretations for contemporary political thought. The feminist reception of Arendt’s work ranges from critical to conciliatory readings that attempt to find the points in which Arendt’s theory might inspire a feminist political project. In this paper I explore the ways in which feminist thought has responded to Arendt’s definition of action, freedom (...)
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    Incorporating measurement error in n = 1 psychological autoregressive modeling.Noémi K. Schuurman, Jan H. Houtveen & Ellen L. Hamaker - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:152530.
    Measurement error is omnipresent in psychological data. However, the vast majority of applications of autoregressive time series analyses in psychology do not take measurement error into account. Disregarding measurement error when it is present in the data results in a bias of the autoregressive parameters. We discuss two models that take measurement error into account: An autoregressive model with a white noise term (AR+WN), and an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. In a simulation study we compare the parameter recovery performance (...)
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    Emociones, interacción humana y poder: comentarios a Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction, de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila.Diana Rojas-Velásquez - 2023 - Dianoia 68 (90):133.
    En este comentario destaco algunas virtudes de la propuesta de Diana Pérez y Antoni Gomila en Social Cognition and the Second Person in Human Interaction y planteo dos preguntas. La primera es acerca del papel de las emociones básicas en las interacciones uno a uno a nivel grupal e intergrupal. La segunda se refiere a la influencia que tienen las posiciones de poder en las relaciones humanas y la forma en que éstas alteran o modifican la lectura de los estados (...)
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    Imaginary, a Caribbean Battle Song.Noémie Auzas - 2011 - Iris 32:169-177.
    Within the Caribbean literature, the imaginary—a very often defined notion—is presented in a new light by the fictional and theoretic thought of Patrick Chamoiseau. The imaginary dimension can’t remain something abstract and essential full of invariants. Chamoiseau is mistrustful of the mythical imaginary, however he doesn’t put an end to it but he opens a literary space where everything has to be created. In Chamoiseau’s works, the imaginary dimension is of the highest importance in an ideological battle-field where the main (...)
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    Reconocimiento en el acto médico: Implicaciones éticas desde las propuestas de Honneth y Pellegrino.Ricardo Cartes-Velásquez - 2023 - Dilemata 42:39-50.
    En su Teoría del Reconocimiento, Honneth plantea que es la interacción entre los seres humanos la que determina la constitución de estos, siendo el reconocimiento, el elemento fundamental para dicha constitución en tres esferas: el amor, el derecho y la solidaridad. Pellegrino identifica que la medicina es una empresa moral, construida sobre ciertas creencias de lo bueno y lo malo, y presenta una caracterización del acto médico constituida por tres elementos: el hecho de la enfermedad, el acto de profesión y (...)
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    Jean Ma (2022). At the Edges of Sleep: Moving Images and Somnolent Spectators.Juan Camilo Velásquez - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):288-291.
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    Reflexiones sobre la herramienta molecular que podría cambiar el curso de la historia humana: la edición genómica.Pedro Alexander Velasquez-Vasconez - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (1):e2613.
    La edición genética tiene muchas aplicaciones en casi todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, pero también puede tener consecuencias impredecibles. La edición del genoma de la línea germinal humana es el centro de una discusión mundial. Debido al creciente número de cuestionamientos científicos, éticos y políticos, muchos sin una respuesta concreta, el consenso de la comunidad científica manifiesta que sería inapropiado modificar genéticamente embriones humanos. Se considera necesario un debate serio y abierto para decidir si se debe suspender o fomentar (...)
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    Profesorado y realidad aumentada.Noemy García Sánchez & Juan Pablo Orejudo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-10.
    Ahora que la digitalización está ampliamente extendida en las aulas y la educación se enfrenta a un cambio de paradigma, la Realidad Aumentada aparece como la herramienta ideal para el desarrollo de una educación híbrida. Esta tecnología, a caballo entre el mundo real y el virtual, facilita experiencias en entornos de aprendizaje altamente significativosPara reflejar el estado de la realidad aumentada en el ámbito educativo y conocer las principales limitaciones de los docentes para usarla, se analizó la relación de los (...)
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  42. A South African Investment.M. Velasquez - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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    The Right to Health and Medicines: The Case of Recent Multilateral Negotiations on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property.German Velasquez - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 14 (2):67-74.
    The negotiations of the intergovernmental group known as the ‘IGWG’, undertaken by the Member States of the WHO, were the result of a deadlock in the World Health Assembly held in 2006 where the Member States of the WHO were unable to reach an agreement on what to do with the 60 recommendations in the report on ‘Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights submitted to the Assembly in the same year by a group of experts designated by the Director (...)
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    An Interview with Peter Singer.Noemi Iten & Sam Libenson - 2022 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 29:137-144.
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    festival Publicatessen: herramienta para la integración de competencias académicas y profesionales.Noemí Martín García, Alberto Martín García & María Ángeles Núñez Cansado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-14.
    El Festival Publicatessen se desarrolla desde hace catorce ediciones en el campus María Zambrano de la Universidad de Valladolid. Está organizado por el alumnado de cuarto curso del grado en Publicidad y RR.PP., con la coordinación directa del profesorado. El objetivo de esta publicación es conocer la valoración de aquellos exestudiantes que han participado, y conocer qué competencias han desarrollado de cara a su vida profesional. Los resultados muestran que es una acción muy positiva para ellos y la reconocen como (...)
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    (1 other version)Through the Looking Glass – Dioramas, Bodies, and Performances in New York.Noémie Etienne - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 11 (2020).
    Dioramas are multimedia installations used in museums and popular culture since the 19th century. I study two sets of anthropological dioramas: the ones made for the Museum of Natural History in New York by Franz Boas; and the ones fabricated at the New York State Museum in Albany by Arthur C. Parker. As I will show, dioramas are not only visual dis- plays but also installations with a proper materiality and temporality: they are the stage of multiple performances and work (...)
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    La non-rééligibilité en France et aux États-Unis.Noémie Marrel Févrat - 2022 - Temporalités 36.
    Cet article interroge la dimension temporelle de l’activité de représentation politique. En s’intéressant aux projets de limitation de la réélection des parlementaires en France et aux _term limits_ états-uniens, il met en évidence les conflits et intérêts qui s’articulent autour de la codification temporelle des mandats. L’idée de limiter le nombre de mandats parlementaires successifs autorisés n’emporte pas l’unanimité : les débats mêlent à la fois des anticipations des effets de la règle sur les pratiques politiques et des croyances à (...)
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    Sisyphean Unproductivity in Narrative Film.Juan Velasquez - 2021 - Film-Philosophy 25 (3):296-320.
    This article examines the relationship between labour, productivity and film. The purpose of this intervention is to suggest that narrative film can show us the unproductive tendencies that humans...
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  49. Corps à corps avec le conte dans le roman Solibo Magnifique de Patrick Chamoiseau.Noémie Auzas - 2005 - Iris 29:167-178.
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  50.  35
    Materialism and the Subjectivity of Experience.Reinaldo J. Bernal Velásquez - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (1):39-49.
    The phenomenal properties of conscious mental states happen to be exclusively accessible from the first-person perspective. Consequently, some philosophers consider their existence to be incompatible with materialist metaphysics. In this paper I criticise one particular argument that is based on the idea that for something to be real it must (at least in principle) be accessible from an intersubjective perspective. I argue that the exclusively subjective access to phenomenal contents can be explained by the very particular nature of the epistemological (...)
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